Bilal, a man of Paradise
By Waqqar Ahmed & Nabila Mehmood
Bilal Ibn Rabah ( بلال بن رباح ) was one of the most famous companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). He has a high stature in Islam and played a vital role in spreading the religion. The Holy Prophet said that he heard Bilal's footsteps in Jannah
Originally an oppressed slave from Abyssinia (now known as Ethiopia), he was one of the first people to accept Islam in Makkah. This was a time when slave trade was very popular in the Arabian peninsular and black slaves were treated with cruelty. A persons wealth was measured by how many slaves he had in the household. This was a time of illiteracy. Bilal RA an African man, may allah be pleased with him was the slave of ‘Ummaya bin khalaf, a rich man from the tribe of Quraish. Bilal’s parents were slaves to this man and therefore, he was born into slavery.
Bilal RA, heard the prophet countless time discussing islam
and preaching, this was when he saw that he became attracted to Islam. Eventually,
day by day he fell in love with islam and accepted islam and became a muslim.When ‘Ummayya bin khalaf’ used to worship idols, bilal ra
would pray to allah swt according to the teachings of islam.
The earlier days of Islam, meant that Islam was weak and the Quraish tribe were strong. This meant
that very few actually liked islam and what it preached towards people of
Makkah. They disliked the prophet Muhammed saw (peace be upon him) and his new
teachings, if anyone did accept the religion he/she would be oppressed and harassed
by the people of quraish.
On this one,Ummaya bin Khalaf came to know that bilal’s
secret prayer to Allah swt.
He called Bilal and
Oh bilal do you worship and bow down to the god of Muhammad?
Bilal was not afraid. He replied
‘Yes Allah i worship Allah, the only god’
The reply made Ummaya furious extremely. He began to torture
bilal. He was made to lay down on the burning hot desert sand at mid-noon. He was
then asked to deny the god of muhammed saw and Islam and worship the idols
instead.. despite all the torture Bilal stayed firm on what he believed.
On a very hot day, Bilal was made to lay down on hot sad and
tied to the ground, a very heavy stone was then placed upon his chest. Bilal
was enduring the heat and the heavy load placed upon his chest..slowly, slowly,
he became weak. No liquid was given not even water! In this condition he laid
and became unconscious. The day came to end, and the heat cooled down and he
gain his conscious. He no longer felt the heavy load on his chest. He wondered
who had come to free him from this sufferable pain. He’s eyes opened only to
see the Prophet Muhammed SAW smiling
After the prophet heard this tragedy he was astonished and
it pained him to see that a true believer would be ready to suffer in this
manner. He told Abu Bakr ( a very close companion of prophet) to purchase Bilal
from the Ummaya ibn khalaf so that they could free Bilal RA. The prophet
muhammed saw should be treated fairly and kindly.
Bilal RA, became a close companion of Prophet Muhammed saw
and was with him at every occasion. Allah was very pleased with Bilal RA and
therefore commanded that Bilal RA would be the first man to enter paradise.
The moral of this story teaches us that Islam teaches us that no matter what ethnicity , background, religion your from, ISLAM will always treat you FAIRLY and KINDLY regardless.!
It also teaches that if you believe in something its important to be firm.
JazakAllah Kher.
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